We are having some exciting days in our Children’s Ministry seeing many children excepting Jesus as Savior and following Him in baptism. If you would like to serve, there is always a place for people who love Jesus and love children.  Contact me for more information if you would like to serve.

Our Awana year is almost at an end.  On May 10, we will be having  a parent/kid glow game night at 6:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m..  On Wednesday night, May 17, at 6 p.m. we will be having our Awana Awards Night and see what our kids have been up to all year. There is supper offered at 5 p.m. before. The signups are in the Connection Center.

SAVE THE DATES: VBS and Sports camp is July 17-21, 2023. STELLAR VBS is 9am-noon and Basketball Camp is from 1-4pm. Mark your calendar! Information and registration forms will be on our website feefeebc.org/freevbs.

There is something for everyone to do so if you are interested in serving that week, contact me. If you have crafty hands, workdays are scheduled on the first 3 Saturdays in May.

A few things we are collecting for VBS to help with decor: empty Cheese Ball and animal cracker/pretzel containers you find at Sams’s Club or Costco; 2-liter soda bottles – empty – prefer the green, but we can use clear as well. Thanks for your donations of time and stuff!

For the sports camp I may need host homes to house the college students leading the basketball camp. We will also need meals for these Sport Crusaders for the week. Contact me if you could open your home to a student or 2. If your Sunday School class could help with gift cards or money to help the students with meals, contact me.

Thank you for your support!