DNOW has officially wrapped up for this year, and I could not be more pleased with how the event went. This year, we hosted 35 students from 2 churches, along with a good number of friends who joined, some for the very first time. We enjoyed great worship from some of my closest friends from my days at MBU, and Pastor Matt did a phenomenal job in bringing the messages all weekend long.

Our Small Group Leaders dove right in with the students and connected quickly with them. Our tech team went above and beyond to make our worship look and sound great. Our volunteers selflessly gave up their busy time to be here, serve and help keep me sane. So, all I can say is thank you.

There are probably too many names to type out in this short little article, but I specifically want to say “thank you to you church.” Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and general support throughout the last month as we planned and executed what is probably my all-time favorite, DNOW weekend. Without you, events like these are not possible. I am so looking forward to building off this weekend with these students, and seeing how the Lord will work in their lives.

Let us continue to pray for a unified student ministry and church body!