Family Nerf Games night was a blast! You will certainly want to join us next time! It’s a great event to invite unchurch family members and friends.

Parents Night Out, Friday, Feb. 17, 5-9pm. $5 per child for the night. Pizza supper will be available. If your child cannot eat pizza, please send something else with them. After supper the K-5th graders and workers will go swimming at the Bridgeton Community Center. Be sure to send swim attire and a towel with your child. If you would like your preschooler to swim, a parent will need to attend. Deadline to sign up is Sunday, Feb. 12. Signup sheets are out. Plan a date with your sweetheart!

For your calendar: VBS and Sports camp is July 17-21, 2023. STELLAR VBS is 9am-12noon; Basketball Camp is 1-4pm. Put it on your calendar and look for registration forms online at a later date. I’m looking for VBS leadership for opening and closing sessions, station leaders, crew leaders. There will be a few volunteers needed for sports camp as well. If you want to serve, see me. There is something for everyone to do!

Would you be willing to care for our sweet preschoolers during early service? We need you! Please see me if you could care for these sweet little ones just one Sunday morning a month. Thank you!